Ready to develop your wings and fly?

Maieutic Coaching

Maieutic comes from maieutikos, the Greek word for “of midwifery” In one of Plato’s Dialogues, Socrates applies maieutikos to his method of delivering the soul and its gifts.

The Maieutic technique works with soul alignment, helping you to transcend your fear and develop your wings to fly and thrive.

Amandine is a spiritual midwife, guiding you to see the blockage and download your higher self.

Working with your inner exploration to find your gifts and then helping you to jump. 

Sessions are held privately online or in-person in English, French or Spanish.

Amandine is a Certified Yoga Alliance Teacher, she has studied Hatha yoga with Vijay in India, and Vinyasa with Seane Corn in California.

Amandine is a Certified Meditation Teacher, she has studied:

  • Tibetan Meditation with HH Dalai Lama, HH Karmapa, Lama Tsultrim Allione, Trinlay Tulku Rimpoche

  • Vipassana Meditation with Goenka

  • Mindfulness Meditation with Arnaud Desjardins, Jon Kabat Zin, Sharon Salzberg

  • I am meditation with Amma

Amandine teaches the “Follow Your Bliss” meditation on the Simple Habit App.

Amandine is a spiritual teacher and has studied self-development, intuition, and creativity with Rebecca Campbell, Julia Cameron, Kaia Ra, Sonia Choquette, Shakti Gawain, Esther Hicks, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Eckart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsh and Satish Kumar.

Amandine is a Search Inside Yourself teacher from Google Institute, specialising in Emotional Intelligence, Conscious leadership and Neuroscience.

She took the non-violence vows in Gandhi’s Sevagram Ashram. She is a Reiki Master, learned Qi Qong with Pragata, Laughter Yoga with Ambujam Laxmi and has studied Akashic Record with Carmen Nunez Lagos.

“Come to the edge" he said.

"We can't, we're afraid!" they responded.

"Come to the edge," he said.

"We can't, We will fall!" they responded.

"Come to the edge," he said.

And so they came.

And he pushed them.

And they flew.”

― Apollinaire


  • “Amandine gave powerful therapy, with great results. It was like a meditation, she had her eyes closed and saw deep in me. And then she went straight to the source, without having to focus and spend time on any negatives of the past. She reminded me what I am here for, the art that I live for and that I’m here to share. The creativity I need to be spending my time on and bringing to fruition for greater good. And she reminded me again and again that I will not be truly happy unless I live that truth. And then when I got up the next morning, I was more focused than ever on my creativity with a newfound appreciation of it. Gone is the judgment of whether it is good enough, rather the focus is now on writing more, building more. The session has made me move forward from there in tremendous ways every day since.”

    — Arslan Chaudhary: Immigration Lawyer & Musician

  • “Amandine… I want to thank you SO, SO, SO much for coming into my life. You truly have been this incredible inspiration for me. I have learned so much from you. You have opened me up to see a different way of life. You also helped move me further along in my spiritual journey. Your inspiration and your life (especially after our last interview) helped me achieve greater alignment and even greater clarity. Moreover, you helped positioned me by giving me more strength, so that I can go out into this world and do my part to help change humanity by creating more love, peace, and joy. You are definitely one of my angels. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!

    — Suzaita Hipolito, Transformational Leadership Coach

  • “4 years ago, I reached out to Amandine, and now I can say that she CHANGED MY LIFE! She guided me to heal my inner child, to do a gratitude journal, to face my ‘shadow”, learn yoga and meditation. And now, not only I am doing it every day, but I am teaching it to my clients online!”

    — Sandi Gale, Political Analyst, USAID

  • “The amazing work of Amandine has had a profound impact on my life. Intuitive, kind, insightful and humorous, she has the unique talent to truly and deeply see the person she's working with and provide the guidance and healing needed in the moment."

    —— Joost de Muinck Keizer, founder of Everless

  • “I had a powerful experience with Amandine in a recent coaching session and opened my eyes and heart to new possibilities for my work and life. I felt such a strong connection with Amandine and a deep trust in her – it was as if she already knew me. And indeed, I believe that this is her gift: to see the truth in others through a profound connection and to be an open channel to sense messages on their behalf. After I left our meeting, with a new surge of energy and optimism, I received three different offers for new work. Something had indeed been unblocked, and that allowed me to attract these possibilities. Amandine has helped me find the courage to embrace a new adventure in my life – and it is already unfolding! I couldn’t be more grateful.”

    — Jennifer Wasmer, Communication Coach

  • Amandine has a unique way of accompanying the people she counsels. Her solid experience acquired around the world, coupled with her incredible intuition, enables her to provide gentle, natural guidance. She enables each and every one of us to discover our own strengths and apply them to our personal and professional lives. The idea is to dare to follow your own path, whatever it may be.

    —-Brimbelle Grandcolas, DE&I expert

  • “Amandine m’a accompagné à un moment crucial ou mon énergie et moral étaient au plus bas. Nos échanges, sa créativité, son écoute m’ont permis de voir les endroits que je devais explorer pour sortir de cet état. J’ai pu grâce à ce travail avec elle, remettre de l’envie et du rêve dans mes projets personnels et professionnels.”

    —Alexandra Vassilacos, Holistic Coach

  • “Quel privilège d’avoir Amandine comme guide bienveillante, attentive et intuitive dans ce jeu de pistes. En fonction de son ressenti, du homework qu’elle me donne (oui il faut travailler mais elle s’adapte aux énergies de la période) et de nos échanges,  elle m’ouvre avec grâce et générosité une porte puis une autre puis encore une autre en s’adaptant aux besoins du moment. Elle partage ses ressources personnelles comme autant de propositions d’une vaste boîte à outils et m’aiguille vers d’autres healers qui ouvrent à leur tour de nouvelles pistes de compréhension et de guérison qui nourrissent notre travail.”

    —Cecile Benhamou, Legal Officer, European Commission

  • Amandine a une façon unique d’accompagner les personnes qu’elle conseille. 

    Une solide expérience acquise à travers le monde couplée à une incroyable intuition permet un accompagnement en douceur et naturel. 

    Elle permet à chacun et chacune de prendre connaissance de ses forces afin de les mettre en application dans la vie personnelle et professionnelle. 

    L’idée étant d’oser suivre son chemin quel qu’il soit. 

    — Brimbelle Grandcolas, Experte Diversité, Equité et Inclusion

  • J’ai fait appel à Amandine pour une série de soins. Quand j’ai besoin d’ajuster ou de comprendre quelque chose d’une situation ou en moi, il m’arrive de consulter un ou une spécialiste qui a un regard holistique. Mais avec Amandine j’ai l’impression d’avoir fait un bond en avant, inédit. Je le dois à son intuition hors du commun, ses connaissances et son expérience et à cette capacité qu’elle a de cibler exactement là où le besoin se fait sentir. Avec douceur et fermeté, Amandine ressent, donne des pistes, met en action, avec une justesse fine et subtile. Je suis bluffée. Gratitude infinie.

    —Emmanuelle Jappert, Author and Literature coach

  • “Lorsque je me suis retrouvée tellement impuissante face à la maladie de mon papa, plein d’émotions se mêlaient en moi, colère, frustration, tristesse, instabilité … je ne savais plus dans quel sens avancer face à cette épreuve. Amandine a su lire en moi et comprendre la situation avec la vision de l’aigle et a prononcé les mots essentiels qui ont fortement résonné en moi. Cela m’a apaisée et m’a permis de me réancrer. Je n’ai plus du tout vu les choses de la même façon et cela a apporté un souffle nouveau sur ma vie. Immense gratitude à toi Amandine pour ce soutien si lumineux.”

    — Virginie Lancetti Producer at Touché Music & Nausicart

  • “Amandine a le don d’aider les êtres humains à libérer leurs blessures profondes, avec douceur, grâce à sa voix rassurante, envoutante, son énergie d’amour qui se dégage.

    Amandine sait mettre à l’aise, accueillir les gens dans leur vulnérabilité, ouvrir leur cœur et permettre au mental de s’apaiser pour laisser les doutes, peurs, obstacles, blocages remonter à la surface.

    A chaque fois qu’Amandine parle, elle nous enveloppe d’amour avec l’élégance de son âme.

    Amandine aide, ceux qui sont un tournent de leur vie, à sauter la falaise.”

    — Elodie Attias, Author & Coach

Interested in Maieutic Coaching?

Discover if this technique is what you’re looking for.

You can book a single 1-hour session for 150€

or a package of 10 sessions.


Come to work on your inner exploration on a retreat in our Tipi set in the Mallorca countryside